Cloud Migration

We offer cloud migration services to help you accelerate your migration to the cloud with minimal business disruption using our expertise. We leverage data by using the best analytical tools and identify new business opportunities that help you reduce risk, time, and cost during migration.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Cloud migration refers to transferring data, processes, and workloads from an on-premise setup to virtual server space. It helps organizations become independent of the acquired physical resources to run business operations.
The hardware and software resources in an organization together become legacy infrastructure. An on-premises presence of this legacy infrastructure makes an organization dependent on the physical workplace and adds to the maintenance cost. However, migrating to the cloud leads to an organization independent of physical space and infrastructure.
Most cloud migration service providers work on a pay-as-you-go model, i.e., you only pay for what you use. Moreover, these service providers also offer tools such as price calculators and TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) calculators for estimating cloud expenditures based on services and tools you choose

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